Janet Lou Everett was the eldest of six children. She went to a one-room schoolhouse until Grade 7. At that time the teachers said they didn’t know what else they could teach her so they sent her from 7th grade to high school. In addition to being that smart, Jan loved her horses like family and they were a very important part of her life. She had her trainer’s license, bred, and trained race horses. Jan instilled her love of horses in her three children, her grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and many others. Her family had many fun trail rides, moonlight rides, and rides through the beautiful Oklahoma bottoms with her. Jan was a very caring person and would do anything to help others, I always thought it was great when we had an extra guest at one of the many family Holiday dinners as she wanted others to have people to spend the Holiday with and invited them out to spend it with us. She also spent many Holidays making sure to make a plate to take to someone. Jan was a caring, smart, strong, hardworking, independent, women that taught her children and grandchildren many things. She was loved by her family and will be greatly missed.
As she did not want a funeral and wanted to visit people while living there is not a funeral planned.